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Building Muscle and Bodybuilding

Building muscle is a slow process, but perseverance is the key to success. Anyone who has gone through the process of building up their muscles will confirm that they have been discouraged by the apparent lack of progress, but eventually they reached and maintained their goal. Building muscle is like everything else, if you have a good knowledge and information, you'll succeed much faster than if you were doing it without knowing anything about it. But it is important that you choose the right source of information, as some people just Google the topic and take the first page they read as fact when indeed it may not be correct. Training with 100% intensity is critical to stimulating muscle growth and it is much easier to maintain this level of effort for shorter periods of time, and as a result of shorter periods you will not have to psyche yourself up for marathon sets lasting minutes on end, but rather for a short burst of all-out effort lasting only several seconds. The definition of training intensity is the poundage and force used. When you fail to challenge your muscles with increasing intensity or poundage, your body will fail to grow. Training with weights is only half of the equation! Your body breaks down your muscle fibers in the gym during a workout, and if you don't provide your body with the proper nutrients at the proper times, the muscle growth process will be next to impossible. The best way to ensure you have the proper nutrients in sufficient amounts is to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day. By eating smaller meals spread through out the day you will allow your body to always remain in an anabolic state, and will keep your blood glucose levels at a steady level which will increase your energy throughout the day.If you want to learn more about building muscle or bodybuilding then click on the bodybuilding link.
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